An Evening At The Haunted St. Mary's Art Center
As hobbies go, paranormal investigating probably doesn't quite fit into the same category as, say, knitting. But as with any hobby, sooner or later, a person wants to share their interest with others, maybe encourage others to join in the fun, start a knitting circle, or something. While I don't tend to broadcast the fact that I spend my free time ghost hunting, sooner or later, my penchant for haunted places leaks out to friends, family and acquaintances. On the surface, I get raised eyebrows from most, but given the opportunity (and nobody within hearing distance), these same scoffers will seek me out to learn more. See, I believe everyone harbors a guilty curiosity in the unknown, how else to explain the popularity of all those paranormal show out there? So, with this in mind, here's something for all you closet investigators: Women Investigating Ghost Sighting (W.I.G.S) has teamed up with VC Paranormal to offer "An Introduction To Paranormal In...